Lynn Harris Interview
Halloween Treat! Exclusive Interview with Lynn Harris, Voice Director & Rebecca Chambers voice actor for Resident Evil & its live-action intro movie!

Ippo Yamada 山田 一法
Ippo Yamada was Capcom's lead sound designer for Resident Evil, and oversaw the sound direction, design, and effects now marquee audio for survival horror soundtrack. Yamada-san was instrumental in the design of a horror film inspired soundtrack, modifying in-game music to include BGM data sound effects!

Yasuyuki Saga
Continuing our series of exclusive interviews with Capcom’s developmet team, we speak to Yasuyuki Saga, lead background story writer & planner for the original Resident Evil. Most notably, Saga-san devised the iconic Trevor family; architect of the Spencer mansion George, his wife Jessica, and catalyst for the G virus, daughter Lisa, as he worked closely with Shinji Mikami.

Kenichi Iwao 岩尾賢
Exclusive Interview with a survival horror legend. Kenichi Iwao contributed heavily to the conception, design, writing & game mechanics of Resident Evil. From steering beta scenarios away from science fiction, to writing the game's celebrated files, Iwao-san is credited with designing Resident Evil logos, characters & cut-scenes, including the iconic 'zombie head turning' scene.

Biohazard Exclusive
Exclusively obtained by Crimson-Head.com the first prototype sketches for Resident Evil, by the game designers, can now for the first time be publicly shown! These iconic concepts are the work of artists Isao Oishi, Mitsuru Kuwahata, Yuko Nakadai, Toru Nakayama & Takahiro Arimitsu, now displayed in our mansion gallery for a world exclusive!