Silent Hill Interviews
To celebrate Silent Hill’s 23rd anniversary in February & Silent Hill Downpour’s 10th anniversary in March, during those months Crimson-Head will present fans a podcast with series producer Tomm Hulett, and a livestream interview with series actor Kristin Price.

Resident Evil Wars!
Our team of survival horror warriors grab their favourite Resident Evil game, and with their best fighting-talk, passionately debate across a range of categories including Graphics, Gameplay, Atmosphere, Sound Design, Innovation, and Legacy, to determine which game will rule them all!

Alien v Resident Evil
Celebrating 2 Survival Horror classic series, Crimson-Head.com interviews William Hope (Aliens, Resident Evil 3, Alien Isolation) & live-watch with Jolene Andersen (Alien: Specimen, Resident Evil 2) for a special Alien vs. Resident Evil podcast!

Joe Whyte joins!
Chris Redfield actor Joe Whyte joins Crimson-Head as new host of our Resident Evil podcast! Modeller for Disney, Gamer, Comedian, Joe offers superb insight into the survival horror genre & game industry. For mission #1 Joe hosts our podcast with Jill Valentine actor Nicole Tompkins & streamer The Sphere Hunter.

Andrew Santos
Operation Raccoon City director Andrew Santos gives an explosive interview! This contentious game provokes heated debate & we reveal a fractured development process behind the controversy. Speaking to us for our Halloween podcast, Andrew Santos candidly reveals a team ready to produce Capcom’s RE2 remake fraught with challenge when the brief dramatically changed!

Jill Valentine Day
The Crimson-Head team invite THREE Jill Valentine actors together into one mansion, for September 28th… Jill Valentine Day! Catherine Disher (Resident Evil 3), Michelle Ruff (Resident Evil Revelations) AND Heidi Anderson-Swan will all be joining us, celebrating this classic character and their performances bringing Jill Valentine to life, as a true video game icon.

Xander Berkeley
From AMC's 'The Walking Dead', we welcome star guest Xander Berkeley onto our podcast. Famous for roles across numerous block-buster Hollywood films, including Terminator 2, Candy Man, Apollo 13, Air Force One, Kick-Ass, Transcendence, and main cast in many Emmy awarded tv series including Nikita & 24. Having just enjoyed four seasons as main cast on The Walking Dead we welcome Xander Berkely into a new survival horror mansion!

Kazuhiro Aoyama
Live from Toyko, Crimson-Head.com exclusive interview with Kazuhiro Aoyama, the Director of Resident Evil 3! Aoyama-san was the Event Director for Resident Evil, System Planner for Resident Evil 2 where he created bonus game 'The 4th Survivor' and iconic B.O.W. 'Licker' & Director for Resident Evil 3: Nemesis.

RE2 reunion
Crimson-Head reunites Alyson Court, Claire Redfield actor for 15 years, and Lisa Jai, actror for Sherry Birkin, as our special guests on the Crimson Head Podcast E3 Special, for a 'Claire & Sherry’ reunion interview! We break the news on Alyson Court’s contact by Capcom for the remake of Resident Evil 2, and disucss with her concerns for the game’s direction.

4th Anniversary
Crimson-Head.com was concecrated 4 years ago, March 2011. To celebrate our anniversary Peter Jessop, Joe Whyte & Ed Smaron, actors for Albert Wesker, Chris Redfield & Barry Burton, star on the Crimson Head Podcast. All three actors from Resident Evil remake join us for a group interview! Listen closely for role reprisals by Capcom’s actors, exclusively recorded for our celebration!

Dead Aim Exclusive
The unreleased original theme for Resident Evil Dead Aim, 'Heroes Never Die', written & performed by Resident Evil composer & voice actor for Bruce McGivern, Raj Ramayya, officially débuts his composition for the first time publicly, on the Crimson-Head Podcast!