Article researching the legacy of Resident Evil’s most tragic character, Lisa Trevor. With translations from rare Japanese sources & exclusive access to her creator Yasuyuki Saga.
Lisa Trevor was born in 1952, the daughter of George & Jessica Trevor. George was the architect commissioned to build the Spencer Estate, by aristocratic man of science, Oswell E.Spencer. Lisa was a mere 14 years old when she was brutally abducted, together with her mother, at the murderous hands of Spencer’s henchmen.
Spencer's scientists unleashed what would be many years of tortuous viral experimentation on the tragic Lisa, as her tortured body remained incarcerated, deep below the mansion, in Spencer's secret underground laboratory. Through this experimentation, Lisa eventually became a catalyst for the discovery of two of Umbrella's most significant, and valuable breakthroughs: the G-Virus, and consequent Nemesis Tyrant.
Formed by Spencer, with two intellectual confidants, Edward Ashford, and James Marcus, Umbrella grew to become more than just a pharmaceutical company. Through its investment, and political power, it quickly took hold, and enveloped the Midwestern town of Raccoon City, spreading it shadowy influence over the inhabitants, like a virus. Covertly, Umbrella employees conducted illegal viral experimentation, with plants, and animals; their goal, under Spencer’s instruction, the creation of commercial bio-weapons. Lisa Trevor, more than any other test-subject, provided Spencer, and Umbrella with their most influential, successful asset. Her body became a living canvass to a spectrum of viruses, unleashed upon her during the most heinous experimentation, in pursuit of one goal. Bio-weapon development.
The cruel and tragic story of what became of the incarcerated women, is told in the letters, and diary entries of her parents George & Jessica, and among the the haunting words of Lisa Trevor herself (diarised in Resident Evil remake game-files). It is November 13th 1967, and an oblivious George Trevor toasts his architectural achievement, in Spencer’s grand Dining room, ignorant to the terrible fate, that has befallen his family, down in the confinement of Spencer’s secret laboratory. Three days have past since his loved ones were forcefully administered the Progenitor virus; Spencer’s first foray into the vicious world of viral biology. Jessica reacted negatively, her body rejecting the virus. Lisa however showed unique promise, as the virus fused with her body, and physical symptoms evident. Failed guinea pig Jessica Trevor has been left in a cell to rot, her body of no further use to Umbrella. She writes a desperate letter, planning an escape.
My Beloved Lisa,
Day by day I can feel my consciousness drifting further away. The shots given to me by men in white coats made some of mommy’s itching go away. Today they gave me another shot saying it was ‘nutrition’. When they give me the shots Mommy can think straight, but Mommy’s shocked & sad because Mommy is unable to think of you all the time. Mommy’s afraid. Afraid of forgetting everything, especially the memories of you & Daddy…What your faces look like, how we used to be together…They’re all starting to disappear into somewhere dark in my mind. Oh Lisa, I wish I could touch your face & hold you in my arms right now, so I can hold onto the wonderful memories of you and Daddy. Lisa we can’t stay here any longer. We have to escape! Listen to me Lisa, our chance to escape is the next time when we go to that lab together. We’ll both pretend we are unconscious & when that man in white clothes is off guard that will be our chance. When we’re on the outside, let’s look for daddy together. Okay sweetie? Be strong, Lisa.
The following day, in the bowels of the mansion, Lisa writes in her journal that she still feels dizzy from the shot her captors gave her. She can’t find her mother, and wonders where the scientists have taken her. Just the day before, she had promised that they would escape together, and Lisa becomes paranoid that Jessica has escaped alone, and left her behind.
I feel dizzy after that shot they gave me. I don't see Mom. Where did they take her? She promised that we would escape together. Did she escape alone and leave me behind?
The tragedy of Lisa Trevor can be traced back to a treacherous night in 1967, November 10th. It was on this fateful night Spencer instructed his men to kidnap Lisa and her mother Jessica, from the presumed safety of their rooms, as her father, George, remained delayed with business. On his arrival at the mansion, their disappearance will be covered up by the devious Spencer, as George too, falls foul to Umbrella’s insidious activities.
Lisa’s first, and seemingly safe encounters, whilst at Spencer’s invitation, are chronicled in the files to be found in ‘BIO HAZARD 15 minute demo’, and ‘George Trevor’s Notes’, published in ‘The True Story Behind Biohazard’. Lisa & Jessica Trevor’s fate were sealed upon their arrival at the Spencer mansion, irrespective of George’s late arrival. They initially enjoy Spencer’s grand hospitality. Lisa entertains her mother, and Spencer by playing Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, on the newly delivered grand piano, in the smoking lounge. However, later that night mother and daughter are incarcerated in the mansion’s underground research facility, and immediately become victim to the scientists evil, viral experiments.
Four days after she is violently exposed to the progenitor virus, Lisa makes this first journal entry. She has been forcefully separated from her parents, and deprived of her loving family life, fated only with the long wait of over thirty years, until she will finally, depressingly discover Jessica?s skeletal corpse. Already, a symptom of this four day separation, the paranoia of isolation creeps in, and she frantically imagines her mother escaping alone. That she mentions an attempted co-operative escape strongly suggests that they had already formulated a plan, after their initial capture, prior to this day.
We only have to get to November 15th, a mere 5 days after her kidnap in the dead of night, and Lisa’s mental capacity has been overwhelmed by the onslaught of the progenitor virus, mutating deep in her tortured body, to the extent that she commits the most heinous of crimes.
I found Mom. We ate together. I was very happy. But she was a fake. Not my real Mom. Same face but different inside. Have to find Mom. Have to give face back to mother. I got Mom's face back. Nobody can have my Mom except me. I attach her face to me so she doesn't go away. Because Mom sad when I meet her without her face.
Five days from their initial incarceration, and daughter has murdered mother, in confused, violent frenzy. Notwithstanding Lisa’s likelihood for mistaken identity, this female not being Jessica, she has certainly committed her first kill, with a horrific characteristic. This savage, signature assault would come to illustrate Lisa’s increasing mental instability, generated by forceful removal from her mother, and institutionalised isolation, coupled with the devastation caused to her cognitive abilities, at the hands of Spencer’s new virus. From this day onward, and for years to come, Lisa will mournfully carry the hideously detached faces, of those whom she seek to be her mother, with determination, and devotion for their reunion. Her mind now catastrophically destroyed, as Progenitor wreaks its havoc, she becomes pitifully enslaved to the delusion of returning her mothers detached facial flesh to an alive & well Jessica. Here lies the origin of this psychologically motivated assault, that was to become a characteristic attack. It stems from Lisa’s reaction to the grim discovery that her mother’s mind has been lost to Spencer’s viral experimentation. From the initial elation that she has at last found her beloved mother, to the grave, and deep devastation upon the discovery that Jessica’s mind had been destroyed to an unrecognisable extent.
As a consequence of Lisa’s diminishing intellect, the possibility exists that this tragic victim was not Jessica; Lisa’s first kill being in fact a case of mistaken identity. Jessica’s unfamiliarity {‘But she was a fake..same face but different inside’} a symptom of the havoc wrought by Progenitor, confusing the mind of her daughter to the extent that Lisa mistook a female scientist as her mother, rather than mental retardation within the true mother being the cause of the anomaly that Lisa perceives. Those unfortunate Umbrella staff, charged with the grim task of conducting research on this lab rat, would fall victim to this savage assault, birthed in fury upon Lisa’s realisation that she has wrongly presumed these woman to be her devoted mother.
Lisa had become delirious from the five days of servitude to Spencer’s ‘mother’ virus. Just one day after her father’s latter arrival, George enjoying the supposed hospitality of their captor, she apparently finds Jessica, in her underground cell. Two days have past since mother penned a tragic letter to daughter, with assurance of their escape to liberty, but her physical, and mental condition have since plummeted, to the point of near death. Lisa, for her part, after five days of incarceration, shows greater resistance to the life threatening properties of Progenitor. To date, the degree with which she has been exposed to Spencer’s virus, is such that Lisa’s intellectual abilities were not sufficiently deteriorated to the point that she would mistake a complete stranger for her own mother. Moreover, her senses were sufficiently capable, two days later, to allow Lisa the ability to recognise her mother’s scent, within Jessica’s entombed corpse; so presumably the same skill would have been utilised two days previous, during that fateful meal, and daughter’s initial identification of mother was correct. The anonymous female that Lisa eats with is most likely her mother, as a pose to a female Umbrella scientist. Tragically Jessica is now almost brain dead, following the negative effects of the Progenitor virus on her cognitive system, and Lisa refuses to believe that this catatonic misery is her mother. With violent confusion, she rips the face of her mother from its skull, instantly causing death. Now in a bloodied mess, she places the skin of Jessica’s face over her own, intending to give it back to the rightful owner, once she finds the real Jessica, whom she pitifully presumes to be alive, and well, but without her own face. This fruitless, mournful search will continue, unsuccessfully for the next 3 decades.
Just one week after Spencer's betrayal, it's November 17th 1967, and Lisa Trevor finds a crypt, deep below the mansion her father designed, housing her mother's tomb. Despite her inability to remove the stone lid of the coffin, she can recognise Jessica's scent, but any realisation of her mother's demise is clouded by further cognitive deterioration.
“from inside box, scent of mommy. maybe true mother there. stone box hard. It hurt. steel rope in the way. can't see mother becuz 4 stones.”
While Lisa was able to recognize the scent of her biological mother, she was unable to open the stone coffin and finally reunite with her. Despite continued failure in her mournful search, Lisa Trevor has already become terminally obsessed with finding her true mother. To merely, finally see her mother, is the only element Lisa craves for this reunion. She will return to this scene, and her wish will be granted, but not in the manner that she would have desperately desired, during all those years of isolation, and loneliness. Shortly after the t-virus outbreak, initiated by James Marcus, in the autumn of 1998, over 30 years after this first discovery, Lisa will revisit the tomb housing her mother's corpse.
November 19th 1967, and Lisa’s virus ravaged brain is in the throws of an emotional, mental breakdown.
daddy atached first, momm atached scond, iNside reD and sLimy, whiTe and haRd, not true moM wheRe, dunno dadd, found mum again, whne atachd mommy, she move no more, she screaming, why?, Jst want to b with her, mom, where, I mis yuo.
Now two days from the grim discovery of her mother’s crypt, the short lived elation felt from a potential reunion with her parents, would have been refreshing, if not limited release from Lisa’s hellish nightmare. But this was to be no happy family reunion. Lisa has already killed her mother in confused anguish, so the ‘mother’ she identifies in this journal entry cannot be Jessica. We know that the ‘dad’ referred to here, who also falls victim to her now characteristic, fatal assault cannot be George, for we have diary entries in his journal with dates proceeding November 19th. These victims, now adding two further trophies to Lisa’s grim, growing collection cannot be her parents. Lisa harrowing attempts to identify the murdered couple with a personal autopsy. Again she is left disappointed and lost, unable to identify her parents scent from the victims intestines.
The true identities of these poor souls, faces viciously torn off whilst alive, and now adorning Lisa’s grotesquely mutating body, belong to Spencer’s researchers. In order to pacify the uncontrollable Lisa, her behaviour increasingly unpredictable as Progenitor wreaks havoc within her body, a male & female researcher, may have been disguised as her parents, for appeasing interaction. This technique would be but a vain, counter-productive attempt to provide any sense of security, or to illicit calm behaviour, because her face-ripping, signature attack, perversely represents a deep desire to be reunited with her parents, rather than a violent rejection of Spencer’s mimics. To resemble George or Jessica, in the presence of their daughter, mind now ravished by Progenitor, would have been a known folly, of life threatening proportion. It is far more likely that victims two, and three, faces sliced, and serving as gory ornaments, now adorning their assailant, do belong to said research team, but were murdered as a consequence of Lisa’s cognitive crippling condition, as they conduct their mandatory observations of her, and not due to a purposeful ruse to impersonate her parents. To serve in Spencer’s employment is a dangerous profession, and there will be further casualties among the staff assigned to this tragic experiment. They too will fall victim to this horrendous fate, assisting Lisa with her gory collection.
Lisa Trevor’s last diary entry is desperate, and sorrowful, yet barely legible, written presumably on the 24th of that month.
4 , mom, where? , I mis you.
The deterioration in both handwriting & language, is caused by her cognitive deterioration, at the hands of the invading viral onslaught, now into its fourteenth day. And that is all we know of Lisa’s early life within the Spencer mansion, as authored by her own hand. But what of her continued existence. For details of this prolonged, torturous life, in the years prevailing 1967, one must consult the second report of Umbrella employee, Albert Wesker.
Wesker's Report II 1978
Lisa Trevor is referred to as ‘the woman’ by Umbrella scientist, Albert Wesker in Wesker's Report II. It has been just over a decade since Lisa’s initial incarceration, and in the summer of 1978, an 18 yr old Wesker casts his eyes over the estate that houses the Arklay facility, from his vantage point on the helicopter, high above. Together with young, brilliant scientist William Birkin, both men felt the trepidation that comes with the employment of Oswald E.Spencer, as their aerial ride came to an abrupt halt, on the helipad of that infamous mansion.
Wesker’s Report II then begins an account of the two men’s early experiences in the Arklay facility, working with mutated viruses, in the development of biological weaponry. One such research program included the t-virus project; and one such test subject was to be the guinea pig for this program... Lisa Trevor.
“No one told us anything about her beforehand. She was this laboratory's greatest secret and the data was never taken outside for any reason.
According to the records, she had been here since this laboratory was founded. She was 25 years old at the time. But we knew neither her name, nor her reason for being here.
She was a test subject for t-virus development. The experiment began Nov 10, 1967. She received experimental injections of the virus for 11 years.”
Right from the first night of her capture, and mercilessly continuing on through the next decade, Lisa was experimented upon, like a lab rat, by Umbrella's scientists in the Spencer Estate Arklay Laboratory. Spencer’s scientists, including Birkin, exposed Lisa to many viruses, including the Ebola Virus and the Progenitor Virus.
“Birkin mumbled something.
Was it to curse or to praise? We had come to a place of no return.
Accomplish the research successfully, or wither away like her? There was of course only one choice.
Her body, bound to the pipe bed, moved something within our consciousness.
Was this part of Spencer's plan?”
(The record continues three years later)…
Miraculously, she managed to survive this viral onslaught, when the same such experiments had killed all the other human specimens captured by Umbrella. However, whilst her physical form battled on, twisted, and mutated by the invading poisons, her mental capacity suffered greatly.
“She was already 28 years old. She had spent another 14 years at this laboratory.
There could not have been any cognative ability due to the Progenitor Virus injection 14 years ago, but if her mind remained, "death" was probably the end she desired. But she kept growing.
Why could only she continue living like this? The experimental data from the other test subjects was no different. There was still much time required before we could solve this mystery.”
Such was the extent of her cognitive degeneration, that she no longer recognised her own mother. She became unpredictably violent, attacking a female scientist, she misidentifies as Jessica. Eventually, after extensive testing, with her dangerous nature outweighing any further positive value, she was deemed useless by Umbrella, and left to rot in her cell, far from the minds of those scientists, who forgot her pitiful existence.
“I devoted myself to the research with Birkin so that nobody would discern my thoughts.
Meanwhile, the female test subject was forgotten in a nook of the laboratory.
A bastard who merely continued to grow. She gradually came to be called that because no significant experimental data was produced.”
That was until the time of the experiment five years later...
(The record continues five years later)…
Lisa Trevor’s unpredictable, uncontrollable, and violent behaviour, was not a defective feature exclusive to her. These faults, culminating in an inability to effectively control the B.O.W as a weapon, existed almost entirely throughout the Umbrella range, and would prove to be a commercial disaster. Consequently the development of an intelligent, and controllable B.O.W. with high combat ability, became a priority for all Umbrella branches. In 1988, as a result of this directive, the ‘Nemesis Project’ was initiated by a French research team, in the Umbrella Europe Sixth Laboratory. This program resulted in the development of a genetically modified organic parasite which could amplify the abilities of its host B.O.W. , particularly intellect, whilst most importantly, retaining control. Upon transplanting this NE-alpha parasite into the host’s spinal cord, at the cellular level, it would consume the t-virus cells, to reproduce, and form an independent intelligence. Additionally, the parasite would erode its host’s central nervous system, destroy the frontal lobe, and significantly link the host’s remaining brain functions to its own. Through this, the host's entire neural network is re-configured. This independent parasitic organism would take full control of the host's body & mind.
Wesker spent not time in maneuvering for his own specimen, and despite early protestation from Birkin, sought to have this new 'Nemesis Prototype’ the focus for their continued research. With Spencer’s influential hand, the two ambitious men obtained their specimen, a wholly different, superior evolved design to what they had previously worked with. The Nemesis specimen was a parasitic living body, birthed from genetic mutation. Umbrella’s French division’s research had provided evidence that this parasite had an intellect. As a single organism it could not act alone; however, introduce it into the brain of a host, and it would gain control of that animal, and significantly demonstrate a highly developed ability for combat. But as with all of Umbrella’s endeavours, the relative success of this program was restricted by high death rates. When the Nemesis parasite infested itself into a test-subject’s brain, after a mere 5 minutes that subject would expire. Wesker & Birkin sought to increase a carrier’s survival period once the parasite had gained control of its host. Wesker’s gaze was inevitably cast upon Lisa Trevor...
“So we used that female test subject. Her abnormal vitality may tolerate the Nemesis Prototype for an extended period. Even if it fails, we would lose nothing. However, contrary to my expectations, the experiment caused a completely different result. Nemesis tried to invade her brain and vanished.
We initially did not know what happened. Indeed, we never would have thought that she had absorbed the parasite. That was the beginning.
Until then, she was merely a thing who just would not die, and something was about to awaken. Once again, we had to re-examine her from scratch.”
Albert Wesker could see the potential in the continued survival of Lisa Trevor. Due to her extraordinarily rare ability to survive the plethora of mutagenic toxins administered over the past 21 years, she was an ideal host for the Nemesis parasite. Her resistance to death would be a useful weapon in combating the usual survival rate of five minutes, as seen in all previous test-subjects. However, whilst the indomitable Lisa did display an unprecedented result, it was not the one that the scientists expected. Upon entering Lisa’s brain, the parasite vanished. Lisa had appeared to have absorbed the parasite, and consequently adopted its characteristics. It was Birkin, originally opposed to this program than made the breakthrough. He realised that there was a unique element to the unprecedented test-subject, that allowed her, above all others to survive, and moreover to absorb the Nemesis parasite. He turned from his original t-virus research, and focused all his endeavors, and attention on this new project; the G-virus program.
“By then she had been examined exhaustively over 10 years, but we dared to ignore the past data. Something nobody had been able to catch in 21 years, since before we were assigned to this laboratory, was about to appear.
Only Birkin noticed something when he spent a long time. Something was definitely inside her.
However, it deviated from the t-Virus Project.
It would produce another completely new concept.
The inception of the ‘G-Virus Project’ which altered our fates.”
(The record continues seven years later)…
In the summer of 1995 Albert Wesker chronicles in detail the development of the G-virus program, which commenced in 1991, and which he had chosen to abandon, pursuing his own path. He has not seen his previous colleague for over 4 years, since William Birkin had re-located to a new facility for testing the G-Virus, covertly located underneath Raccoon City. Through his research into the characteristics of the G-virus, Birkin discovered unique abilities within the surviving body of Lisa Trevor. The program’s initial results showed the G-virus to have a significantly unique quality not seen with the t-virus. Organisms that were infected with G continued to mutate independently. Normally, in order to mutate a virus that has been administered to another body, and external element would have to be added, such as radiation. Uniquely with G, any organism that were to be infected with this virus, would keep mutating itself without the requirement of an external influence. However, unlike its inferior predecessor, t-virus, the G-virus lacked predictability of result. Infected organisms would mutate with any combination of change, and intervention by the researches was fruitless, in attempting to halt such mutation.
Initially after administering the Nemesis parasite to Lisa, no immediate physical change was recorded. Yet, internally her gene structure mutated with verve, her continued survival made good by her constant ability to merge, and co-exist with all the numerous viruses she had been exposed to over the past 21 years. This prolonged period of exposure to such viruses caused her internal system to evolve an ability to accept this parasitic organism. It is this consumption of the parasite that sets Lisa apart from all other B.O.W.s consequently infected with G virus, and grants her an immortality that exceeds all other G infectants, including the Nemesis Tyrant, William Birkin G monster, and Curtis Miller G monster.
“We just ignored John and initiated her final disposal. We killed her.
Although she absorbed Nemesis and regained a little intelligence, it induced bizarre behavior. Her actions escalated and she began tearing the faces off other women and wearing them. According to the records, she exhibited a similar action at the time she was first injected with Progenitor Virus.
We didn’t know what she was thinking, but her disposal was decided since three researchers recently fell victim. Since G research was on track, she no longer had practical value as a test subject.”
Both William Birkin, and Albert Wesker significantly underestimated the fierce longevity, adaptability, and resistance of Lisa Trevor's immune system, and the unique ability granted by her absorbing the Nemesis parasite. Despite their best efforts, and dedicated attention to detail, Lisa Trevor clings to life, and after her transfer to an unknown location, she is abandoned, and shackled, to roam a lonely, pitiful existence.
“After confirmation of her vital signs was repeatedly conducted over three days, her body was brought somewhere at the director's orders.
In the end, I still do not know why she was brought here, or by whom. Of course, the other test subjects are the same.
But the G-Project may not have existed if not for her. In that event, myself and Birkin would probably be different now. I thought about it as I left the Arklay Laboratory behind. How far has Spencer calculated?
(Three years later, the ‘incident’ begins)…
1998, still shackled, Lisa lives out a pitiful existence. This tragic life sees her mournfully roam her jailer’s estate, from a dilapidated shack, offering meagre resting place, deep in the catacombs below the mansion, containing a melancholic shrine to her parents. Since she was brought to this nightmarish location, Lisa has aimlessly searched, in a futile attempt to reunite with Jessica. Here she finally perishes, destroyed in the flames of the exploding mansion, but not by the hand of S.T.A.R.S who have already unleashed a wave of ammunition into her tortured body…
The Trevor family tragedy, the deaths of two loving parents, and their beloved daughter. Murdered at the callous hands of tyrannical Oswell E. Spencer, through his pursuit of insidious viral invention. The evidence of Lisa Trevor’s demise will stare us in the face, and possibly rip it off! Her final release from Umbrella’s servitude undeniably finalised upon the mansions explosive destruction, as she lay incapacitated, under the fallen grand hallway’s chandelier {Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles}.
The demise of a treasured wife, Jessica, is evidenced by Lisa’s discovery of her mother’s skeletal remains, and consequent body identification, corroborated in harrowing detail by her wailing, mournful scream “mother” {Resident Evil Remake}. Their fate, and questionably, that of their tragic father, is most clearly, and poignantly detailed in the following file.
Jessica : Administered virus: Type-A - Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation. Virus fusion: Negative. Action: Disposed of.
Lisa : Administered virus: Type-B - Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation.Virus fusion: Positive but delayed fusion. Body modification: Observed constant results.Status: Continue protective observation.
George : Action: Terminated (Nov. 30, 1967)
Spencer's first two human test subjects were each administered variants of the original 'mother' virus, Progenitor types A, and B. Whilst Jessica's DNA failed to adapt to Type A and she perishes, Lisa Trevor injected with the other Type B variant of Progenitor, and her results were quite different. The administered virus successfully bonded with DNA of Lisa Trevor, but also quickly diminished her cognitive brain function. Within days of her very first exposure to a viral agent, she is unable to identify her own mother, and exhibits extreme violence, with her first face-rip attack. Despite her increasing violent disorder, and obsession in finding her mother that perpetuated such violence, Umbrella scientists noted the value in her continued survival. Lisa Trevor's body became a living Petri dish, for a myriad of mutagen toxic viruses.
It would be this miraculous ability to co-exist with such a combination of toxins, that heralded the birth of the G-virus, and the consequent development of Umbrella's most ambitious biological weapons; Nemesis. It took Birkin considerable time to develop the refined, and finalised version of the G-virus that ultimately lead to his death, as a result of Umbrella's desire to control the production of this groundbreaking virus. But the evolution of the virus which grants unrivaled regenerative ability, begins with Lisa Trevor's extraordinarily rare capability to successfully absorb the NE-alpha parasite. Upon Wesker’s direction, Birkin implanted Lisa with the NE-alpha parasite; Wesker convinced that her previous resistance, and ability to co-exist with mutagen viruses would prove a useful defense to the usually fatal reaction normally caused by injection of this parasite. Wesker’s ambition of mind was duly rewarded; the parasitic organism was absorbed into her body with no immediate, visible effects recorded. Birkin’s initial nonchalance to the experiment was quickly replaced by immense enthusiasm to further investigate Lisa’s unrivaled phenomenon, consequently instigating a research program, that produced results culminating in the development of the G-virus.
The G-virus was extracted from Lisa Trevor's body after exposure from the Ebola virus, t-Virus, and her consumption of the Nemesis parasite, among other toxins; a poisonous soup that evolved over 21 years. But it is only after the introduction of this latest, parasitic virus, that Lisa is finally able to mutate into an effective B.O.W. She evolves into a B.O.W of unrivaled strength, and regeneration, and acquires a minimal return of intelligence, as the absorbed NE-alpha parasite reacts with this internal viral soup. Physically she displays comparable characteristics of both G-Type, and Nemesis. She has the G-Type eye William Birkin and Curtis Miller house on their arms, and the tentacles possessed by the Nemesis Tyrant, with which she can presumably transmit the G-virus. But Lisa Trevor also possesses a resistance to weapons not seen in her G counterparts, granted by her additional parasitic ingredient. Irrespective of her not having a completed version of the G-virus internally, Lisa has an immortal capability that all other B.O.W.s developed by Umbrella lack. With the G-virus feeding a constant elixir to Lisa, the Nemesis parasite cannot kill her, and consequently transfers its characteristic abilities of increased movement, and aggression onto this human host. This heralds Lisa as Umbrella’s most successful bio-weapon, possessing both the unrivaled aggression, and superior movement of the Nemesis Tyrant, and the ability to survive in the face of continued injury, to an almost immortal level, as granted by her unique G-virus.
Lisa Trevor may have perished in the flames of the Spencer Mansion, but her legacy lived on, as she may have been the inspiration for the development of one of Umbrella's most successful B.O.W.s. The major obstacle that made the mass production of the B.O.W Tyrant using the t-virus, extremely impractical, was that only 1 in 100 million people are able to mutate successfully into a Tyrant. Furthermore, the failings recorded in Umbrella's B.O.W.s in the aftermath of the Mansion Incident, highlighted low intelligence, leading to a behavioral unpredictability that would prove commercially fatal. Consequently, using the t-virus as a catalyst for the creation of Tyrants was considered a failure. The rarity of a perfect specimen Tyrant, when compared to the relative death rates involved, and the behavioral unpredictability of these rarely successful B.O.W.s , lead Umbrella scientists to look elsewhere for a new virus base, or a system for controlling the t based B.O.W.s. Such was the thought process that, in 1998, saw Umbrella combine their mass produced Tyrant B.O.W. with a parasite, developed over a decade earlier. Having recorded the beneficial mutations that lead to Lisa Trevor's increased mobility & intelligence, after she was able to survive the injection of NE-alpha, Umbrella scientists would hope for a similar reaction from their uncontrollable, low-intellect Tyrant. Their goal in turning to this previously developed parasitic organism, was to establish a control system to combat prior failings, whilst enhancing both intelligence & combat ability.
Lisa Trevor’s legacy…
This parasite would effectively possess the B.O.W. transferring its superior abilities onto the host. Increased intellect would easier facilitate obedience to orders. Umbrella would hope to see a similar ability to survive admission of the parasite, that stood Lisa out from the usual minimal survival rate. Like Lisa before, the Tyrant survived the NE-alpha invasion, the resulting B.O.W. would be the Nemesis T type - the legacy of Lisa Trevor.
Biohazard 3 Last Escape Guidebook Complete Conquest of Nemesis (Project Umbrella translation by Biotech & Welsh)
The True Story Behind Biohazard
Resident Evil remake game-file ‘Trevor’s Diary’
Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles game-file ‘Jessica's Letter & Lisa's Journal’
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Project Umbrella translation by Biotech & Welsh)