Research article chronicling the tragedy of George Trevor, including exclusive interview with Resident Evil writer Yasuyuki Saga.
An old sepia photo is all that now evidences the love of a family. Father, mother, daughter now expired. By cruel twist of fate, aristocratic man of science, Oswell E. Spencer, elevated architect George Trevor to a commission, for designing the façade for Spencer’s insidious viral research - the Spencer Mansion. Hidden deep in Arklay forest, on the outskirts of Raccoon City, but little did Trevor know he would seal the fate of himself and his beloved family, in accepting this offer…
Who is George Trevor, and why is he of such significant value in the Resident Evil narrative, to warrant an investigative research article? His backstory is simple enough; a prominent architect working in New York, with devoted wife, Jessica, and 14-year old daughter, Lisa. Their mysterious disappearance from the Spencer mansion, 30-years prior to S.T.A.R.S. frantically entering its sinister corridors & rooms, has become one of the most tragic, insidious incidents, in the series timeline…
If you're a newer fan to the series, I would wager you were introduced to the Trevor family and their terrible fate through the files of the 2002 GameCube version, known as 'Trevor's Diary', and 'Family Picture & Notes'. If you've only played Capcom's most recent title, Resident Evil 7, that's okay because there's even a mention of the architect in there too! The fact is, as many veteran fans are aware to some degree, George Trevor is almost as old as the Resident Evil timeline itself!
The Trevor family were introduced to Resident Evil fans (publicly at least, as we will find out their narrative had already been told 'behind the scenes' in a beta build), in the diarized entries of 'Trevor's Notes'. These letters, written by George Trevor, surrounding the events of his arrival at the Spencer mansion, were contained in the Japanese book 'The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD', released as a pre-order bonus for the Sega Saturn version of Biohazard, to serve as a prequel to the events of the game.
The iconic artwork introducing 'George Trevor's Notes', was the first, and one of only two images, available capturing (pardon the pun!) the tragic architect. If you're a fan of horror films, you might notice this illustration of Trevor, silhouetted in the moonlight, against an imposing backdrop of the Spencer mansion, ominously bearing down on the condemned visitor, bares a striking resemblance to cover art from the film 'The Exorcist', by William Peter Blatty (1973); considering the insidious dangers that await both men, perhaps an intentional homage?
Written by Yasuyuki Saga, based on characters created by Kenichi Iwao, 'George Trevor's Notes' were transcribed into in-game files, during and up to the first three development builds. Found at various stages as the player investigates further into the mansion. In an interview with Welsh for this article, Saga-san confirmed that he wrote Trevor's Notes at Mikami's behest, who felt a background story for the mansion was necessary. He went on to explain that it was he, along with fellow Capcom developer Takuya Shiraiwa, who pressured the game's producer, Shinji Mikami into removing them. According to Mikami-san, the files were finally cut from the retail version, for the following reasons:
“The Trevor's notes was a feature removed in the later stages of the game's development. They were conceived as a series of letters, chronicling various stages of the game, and serving to offer clues for the harder puzzles. Trevor played the role of the mansion architect. For those puzzles the player could not overcome, these notes could offer clues, on how to proceed.”
"There was another reason I wanted to include his notes. They would offer explanations as to why the mansion was full of traps. However, the notes were removed 1 month prior to the game's completion. There were two reasons for this. The first being that the game's storyline was broken up into 2 threads. The other reason was that I was just not confident that we could write these notes suitably. It was my decision to remove the Trevor Notes, and I have since received a lot of criticism for that. The public reaction being that to leave them out was a bad idea.": Shinji Mikami Interview published in 'The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD' (Crimson-Head.com translation)
Prior to their lamented removal, the chosen locations where either Jill or Chris would find each of the George Trevor notes included - The table in the piano room - Corridor next to Kenneth's body - On top of the shelf in the attic - The underground courtyard - The table on the outside terrace - The table in the shotgun room:
Another removed feature, possible evidence of Trevor's fateful route through the mansion, desperately searching a means of escape, were horrific messages scrawled in blood across the walls of Spencer's 'prison'. At the top of the east-wing stairs, was just one of these bloody cries for help, from those Umbrella scientists, clinging to the last remnants of a sane mind, as they transcend from human, into mindless zombie; and possibly from our tragic architect, as starvation and separation-anxiety rob Trevor of his sanity.
"painful breathing... someone stop this suffering...".
These messages remain on the 15-minute demo disc 'BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版'. The east-wing message reads "くるしい、息が…誰かこのくるしみをとめて… ", which translates as "painful breathing... someone stop this suffering...". By examining the disc's room data, the RDT file contains a translation for this desperate message, and it reads "I... can’t breathe... Save me from this pain...".
In early 2000 Resident Evil Code: Veronica was released for Sega Dreamcast. Classic survival horror, high production and presentation levels, with a unique gothic-horror twist. Players were not only surprised by the return of Resident Evil's mastermind Albert Wesker, sporting superhuman powers and working for a rival organization, but also by an area in the South Pole station modelled after the George Trevor designed Spencer mansion! The game file, 'Alexander's Memo', explains “Within the facility, I'll have a room built. It will be similar to the design of my mansion, the legacy of the late Trevor”. This is an awful localised translation. What Alexander correctly says is he plans to design parts of the base after the mansion built by the late Trevor:
“After considering everything, I've decided to set up a large cutting-edge research facility within a transport terminal using the remains of an abandoned Antarctic mine. In the facility, I'll have them build identical rooms based on the blueprints of my mansion left behind by the late Trevor”: Alexander's Memo (Translation by Project Umbrella)
Also, a comment translated from the Japanese guidebook, ‘Code: Veronica Kaitai Shinsho’ reads:
‘November 13: Trevor is invited by Spencer to commemorate the mansion's completion, and he vanishes in the mansion... It seems he officially disappeared from the public on November 13. Alexander knew about his death, so it's likely the ringleader Spencer leaked it to Edward, who in turn passed it onto his son’: Biohazard Code: Veronica Kaitai Shinsho (Translation by Welsh)
Seeking additional clues, community member Welsh, having built up a trusted relationship with Code Veronica's director Hiroki Kato, asked about this. Kato-san explained:
"I wanted to use Biohazard's mansion again in Code Veronica. What's the mansion doing there? I wanted to stun players and make them feel nostalgic. Thus, the connection between the Ashfords' and Trevor is that he retrofitted their mansion."
On a related note, Hiroki Kato handled the planning for the courtyard and area below where some of Trevor's Notes would have been found prior to being cut from the original Resident Evil.
In early 2000, the beta demo disc 'BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban', was data mined by community member Mark Grass (The Horror Is Alive). Mark managed to unlock all the files by manipulating the demo using action replay codes, and released the codes allowing other community members, such as Welsh (Project Umbrella), to unlock the original 'Trevor's Notes'. French Resident Evil website Survivhor was the first to report on these files, that provided a narrative for the Trevor family tragedy. The website posted screen captures of the 'Invitation' file, found only in this version, on the desk of the Spencer mansion second floor study, (where Jill & Barry find the torn letter 'Researcher's Will'). During this beta version, Barry was to remain in the room while the player looked around!
Using Mark Grass's codes, Welsh tested them via emulation, to discovered that not only were there 11 'George Trevor's Notes' game-files, not removed prior to retail version, but an entire 'FILE 3' folder, for collating them in-game, had existed at the demo stages, before being removed.

Welsh compared the demo disc Japanese files to those in the 'True Story Behind Biohazard' book, and enlisting the help of fellow Project Umbrella member, Japanese translator BioTech, a full translation of these hidden Trevor files was finally released to the public. And with further translation assistance from Project Umbrella webmaster News Bot, the files have been transcribed for the community to enjoy, presented in the paragraphs below, placed in their correct timeline, to fit with the additional diarised letters published in further Resident Evil releases - Resident Evil Remake (GameCube), and Resident Evil Genesis (mobile phone & iOS devices).
Autumn, 1967. It is the first week of November, and the fiercely ambitious Oswell E. Spencer settles into his new mansion, agitated by an on-setting ennui, provoked by the excruciatingly slow pace of any significant viral breakthrough, four years on from the creation of his odious pharmaceutical company, Umbrella. Having evolved an RNA virus, originating in Africa, into his infamous ‘mother’ virus base, the Progenitor, Spencer formed the company, with two other men of science. All three were in pursuit of the power such a brutal discovery could bring, not just to its creators, but to its ultimate controller. With a multitude of uses for the virus, and in the absence of a common agreement for its development, these differing, opposing opportunities would overwhelm these great men, as bitter rivalry consumed their relationship. Their conflicting motives, and plans for Progenitor would cause this fractured relationship to self-destruct into murderous violence.
Initially working in tandem, are fellow European nobleman Edward Ashford, and the highly educated, yet not so austere James Marcus. With additional, but significantly, independent research being conducted on Progenitor, by Marcus & Ashford, Spencer determines it is now imperative to expedite his own development of that mother virus. Any viral breakthrough, that would raise his profile, and power above his two talented peers, could only be elicited from lifting the taboo of human test subjects. Withdrawing that unnecessary moral barrier, Spencer relishes the advantage he will gain over Ashford & Marcus, with the use of human guinea pigs, and ponders on who will fill that fateful virgin role, incarcerated within the depths of his new mansion.
Hidden, and intertwined like a labyrinth, within the technical plans of Spencer’s mansion, were many design secrets, known only by two men, Spencer, and the talented architect, commissioned to design the entire estate, George Trevor. Conveniently, Spencer had been looking for a means to silence his architect, to nullify the potential risk of public discovery, to the insidious secrets that pervade his new estate. Notwithstanding that evil necessity, Spencer also required that these traps and devices, for incarcerating his test-subjects, be fully tested. With these spiteful motives in mind, Spencer moves to kill two birds with one stone, and takes to writing a letter, inviting George, and his family to visit him, with the ruse that they may bask together in the glory of his design. But the cruel aristocrat had other ends in mind for the tragic Trevor family…
July 5th 1962: The commission
1962: ‘Architect & builder Trevor begins to design & build the mansion in response to the request of Spencer. This mansion is used as a biological weapons laboratory of Umbrella & becomes the stage of the 'Mansion Incident.' Moreover, Trevor installed various kinds of traps in the mansion according to his client's orders, though he didn't know what they intended to use them for.’
BIOHAZARD CODE: Veronica Kaitai Shinsho (Translation by Welsh)
October 9th 1967: Written Invitation / 招待状
My dear friend, George Trevor.
Only through your sincerity and effort could this beautiful mansion be built. It's been three months since I moved here, and this place is so magnificent. Alongside the hurly of hunters, I greet the arrival of dawn; Alongside the howls of wolves, I greet the fall of night. However, there's still something we haven't got here. So, I want you do me a favour, my friend. Would you like to come to this mansion? Of course, bring your family with you. You can look at this like meeting an old friend, and come here light-hearted. I'll prepare a splendid banquet and await your presence, I'm sure you'll like it.
Best Regards, Oswell E. Spencer
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
The letter introduces Oswell E. Spencer as the grand owner of 'Spencer Mansion', and George Trevor as its ill-fated architect. Unbeknownst to the tragic architect, the line "However, there is still something we haven't got here", refers to Trevor himself, and serves as a haunting precursor to his impending imprisonment!
November 3rd 1967: Letter Of Thanks / 礼状
Dear Lord Spencer,
It's a pleasure to receive the invitation for me and my family to visit the new mansion; I can't thank you enough for this. Actually, I've also been meaning to pay a visit to that mansion again. I accept your invitation. In the beautiful courtyard with many wonderful waterscapes, there are two fountains with names. If you want to see this fountain, I must tell you something you must remember. Please take the 'Red Book' & 'Blue Book' with you. Sorry, I still have some unfinished business to do, so I'll let my wife and daughter go there first. Please take care of them.
Many thanks. George Trevor
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
George refers to Last Book Vol.1 & Vol.2 as the Red & Blue book respectively. At this stage, the fountain in the courtyard was known as 'fountain with 2 names'. The two names are to become 'eagle' and 'wolf', which were also the symbols of ancient Rome, and the insignias inscribed on the medals found within those books. The file hints that both books are necessary to drain the fountain, leading to the laboratory.
The Trevor family fatefully accept Spencer’s request. George in particular is full of enthusiasm, and anticipation, at the prospect of viewing the spectacular realisation of his life’s work, starkly invading the nature of the surrounding forest. He is not the first, or last to suffer the curiosity of why Spencer ordered the mansion be constructed, within such an unusual environment, for a beast of this Gothic nature. Located as it was, so serenely, yet alien to the habitat of the surrounding location, being so rich in its flora & fauna. Notwithstanding his impatience to experience this, George is delayed, due to the prolonged conclusion of unexpected business, local to his office back in New York City. He thus arranges for Jessica, and their daughter to go on ahead, with George to follow just a few days later. His wife, Jessica, is about to make her earlier, fateful departure for the mansion, and lovingly, with devotion, leaves a note for her husband. She will never see him again...
November 8th 1967: Jessica's Anniversary Card
George, Happy 18th anniversary. Lisa and I will miss you at the mansion. It’s exquisite George, a masterpiece. Once you arrive, we’ll celebrate our 18 years and this great achievement. Love always, Jessica
Resident Evil Genesis
November 10th 1967: Family Picture & Notes
Nov. 10, 1967 – Progenitor Virus administered
Jessica: Administered virus: Type–A. Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation. Virus fusion: Negative. Action: Disposed
Lisa: Administered virus: Type–B. Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation. Virus fusion: Positive but delayed fusion. Body modification: Observed constant results. Status: Continue protective observation.
Resident Evil Remake
Jessica and Lisa Trevor arrive at the Spencer Mansion that evening. George, away on business, is due to arrive in three days time. The fate of his wife and daughter were sealed upon their arrival at the mansion, irrespective of George’s late arrival. They initially enjoy Spencer’s grand hospitality, and Lisa entertains them by playing Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, on the newly delivered grand piano, in the smoking lounge. However, later that night, on the instruction of treacherous Spencer, both mother and daughter are incarcerated in the mansion’s underground research facility, becoming victims to the scientists insidious experiments. That first fateful evening the two abductees are immediately injected with differing strains of Progenitor. Lisa's unique biological response to her virus type, is the catalyst for her becoming Spencer’s instrument, heralding his venture into biological organic weaponry, and the development of the G-virus.
November 12th 1967: Letter from Trevor's Wife
In this happy vacation, bad news has come to us. I'm saddened because our dear aunt Emma is ill. Aunt Emma seems to be living near this mansion, so Lisa and I just decided to visit her. That's really a pity; it's been such a long time since we took a holiday together. But don't worry; we'll return in two or three days. Your wife, Jessica Trevor. November 12, 1967
P.S. Due to Lord Spencer's great kindness, we're allowed to play the piano in the mansion. Our Lisa was very happy, she told me she wanted to play Beethoven. But our daughter couldn't remember where she put her important music book... Where is it exactly...?
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
The letter from Jessica seems to be a forgery masterminded by Spencer, and hints that there's a musical score hidden within in the mansion, necessary to solve the piano puzzle. The Beethoven musical score belonging to Lisa, with Jessica inquiring of its whereabouts, was a nice touch.
November 13th 1967: Trevor's Note #1 /レヴァーの手記 #1 + George Trevor's Notes + Family Picture & Notes
13/11/1967. It was 6pm after I finished my work, Lord Spencer arrived at the mansion, and we cheered for our reunion. In the spacious and bright dining room, a lot of delicious food was on the table. The goddess was looking down at us, she seemed jealous. But I don't think I'll pull her down here... And I gave a little gift to this remarkable girl... Even so... The clock goes tic-toc in the silence, making me feel quite lonely. My family arrived here a little earlier; my wife left me a message to tell me my aunt was ill, and they went to visit her. Well then, I guess I have to wait here until their return. In spite of this, at least I can enjoy the delicious food and wine, and those wonderful artworks in the mansion. They'll help me sweep away my feeling of loneliness. George Trevor.
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
George enjoys the banquet Spencer promised him in the invitation. It hints that the player must push the Goddess statue off the second floor balcony of the dining room to solve a puzzle, and that there may be something intriguing about the grandfather clock; the suggestion being that the second floor statue is somehow connected to this clock.
INVITATION: I finished up my work, left New York, and finally arrived at the mansion at six o'clock that evening. The spacious main entrance hall, the two rounded stairs leading to the second floor, in the centre of the hall... ah how I have missed this.
Designing the plans for my most prestigious project has been my proudest moment. From the day I first showed the model to Spencer, until the project‘s completion, five years came and went, without notice or concern.
Spencer's orders were extraordinarily technical, almost convoluted, and I had to call upon all of my energy & ingenuity to realize them. At first sight no one would suspect anything to be out of the ordinary.
I saw Sir Spencer with his bleached hair heading down the stairs to meet me. He looked as self-confident as ever. I asked him where Jessica and Lisa were "Your aunt Emma suddenly became poorly, they have gone to check on her health", he said, and so just the two of us remained, to raise a toast to the mansion. We are the only ones to know about the secrets contained within this mansion, and in our mutual joy, forgetting my family, I become satisfied with this complicity, and we both raise our glasses to toast each other.
DINNER PARTY: Downstairs was the imposing dining room, with an incredible variety of food sprawled across the enormous mahogany dining table. If the invited diner was to raise their eyes above to the gallery, they would see a statue of the goddess Rodin, seemingly observing us with an unholy desire. But despite this splendour, and with only myself and Spencer alone in this imposing dinning hall, I begin to feel very lonely.
Only the ticking noise of the grandfather clock, as it stands against the wall, breaks the ominous silence. If only Jessica & Lisa were here. According to Spencer, they arrived three days before me, and were able to enjoy of his hospitality. Lisa in particular benefited from Spencer's kindness, and he allowed her to use the grand piano to her heart's content. Apparently she played Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata, and the beauty of the melody, he said, had left the full moon looming over the forest with a great sadness. He said that it had been so wonderful that he had to clap his hands as he praised her performance. I thought of how proud she must have felt, and of her happiness in that moment. If only I could have been there, I am sure that her melody would have even surpassed that beautiful white satellite, floating above the forest which surrounds the house. My pride grows as my heart also aches...
I was hoping that Jessica and Lisa would return in two or three days, as without them my loneliness grows. Oh well... with so much delicious food and wine to enjoy, and all the works of art on display, I am sure to find a little temporary distraction.
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA & Welsh)
As George Trevor toasts his work, he is ignorant to the terrible fate, that has befallen his family, down in the confinement of Spencer’s secret laboratory. Three days have past since his loved ones were forcefully administered Progenitor. Jessica reacted negatively, her body rejecting the virus. Lisa however showed unique promise, as the virus fused with her body, and physical symptoms evident. Failed guinea pig Jessica Trevor has been left in a cell to rot, her body of no further use to Umbrella. She writes a stricken letter to her daughter, planning an escape.
My Beloved Lisa, Day by day I can feel my consciousness drifting further away.
The shots given to me by men in white coats made some of mommy’s itching go away. Today they gave me another shot saying it was ‘nutrition’. When they give me the shots Mommy can think straight, but Mommy’s shocked & sad because Mommy is unable to think of you all the time. Mommy’s afraid. Afraid of forgetting everything, especially the memories of you & Daddy…What your faces look like, how we used to be together…They’re all starting to disappear into somewhere dark in my mind.
Oh Lisa, I wish I could touch your face & hold you in my arms right now, so I can hold onto the wonderful memories of you and Daddy.
Lisa we can’t stay here any longer. We have to escape! Listen to me Lisa, our chance to escape is the next time when we go to that lab together. We’ll both pretend we are unconscious and when that man in white clothes is off guard that will be our chance. When we’re on the outside, let’s look for daddy together. Okay sweetie? Be strong, Lisa. Nov. 13th, 1967. Jessica Trevor
Resident Evil Remake
November 14th 1967: Trevor's Note #2 / レヴァーの手記 #2 + George Trevor's Notes + Family Picture & Notes
Today, Lord Spencer said he'll show me around his mansion. He opened every door for me, and those amazing rooms appeared before my eyes one after another. This building seems to be luxury, but in the meantime it's also a crystal of wisdom and great ideas. In my opinion, only a successful entrepreneur like him deserves a mansion like this.
In one of the rooms, there are many stuffed animals, their eyes look strange and give off mysterious light. In another room, I saw armoured knights from the Middle Ages, and the commander is one step forward from the line. They're standing quietly alongside the room and seem to being protecting something...
“Isn't it fantastic?” Lord Spencer went on proudly. “In a few years, I'll build another building on this site to operate as a corporate resort facility. I intend to use this mansion as part of the resort facility by then. In a short time, this mansion can receive not only my company's employees, but guests from anywhere.”
I imagined the scene, this mansion full of visitors. People walking around the building like myself; shocked by its unbelievable beauty and elegance. I think I should be proud now for doing my bit to this fantastic building. George Trevor
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
This file delves into Umbrella's origins and hints at the deer head puzzle in the trophy room and furthermore that something is mysteriously hidden in the armoury, which conceals the poisonous gas puzzle trap. When the file was ultimately scrapped, but later rewritten and included in 'The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD' book (for the release of the game on the Sega Saturn), as 'George Trevor's Notes’, the reader is treated to a little more detail...
DOUBT: Sir Spencer gave me a tour of the mansion today. He opened a door, and in front of me was a corridor with many doors leading to other rooms. I stood there, just staring in amazement, over the splendour and extravagance. Da Vinci paintings, Raphael statues... In one of the rooms stood stuffed beasts, their eyes having an eerie glow to them. In another stood an array of medieval knight armours, all lined up as if ready to do battle. Everything he showed me that day formed part of his collection, befitting of a world-famous millionaire.
“Isn't it wonderful? I was intending to make this mansion a vacation resort for my newly founded business. But not only for company employees, I was also thinking of letting outside people stay here.”
From what he told me, it seemed that he was going to launch a pharmaceutical corporation on an international scale, in the near future. He had decided on the name 'Umbrella', for his new corporation. But... if he was planning to make this place a resort for his company, then why was all the secrecy about this mansion necessary? You would almost think this all just a bit too extravagant, even for him.
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA)
Meanwhile, in the bowels underneath the mansion, Lisa writes in her journal that she is suffering the after-effects of being forcibly injected. She can’t find her mother, and frantically wonders where the scientists have taken her. Just the day before, Jessica had promised that they would escape together, and Lisa now becomes paranoid that her mother has betrayed her, to escape alone, leaving her at Spencer's mercy.
Four days after she is violently exposed to the progenitor virus, Lisa makes this first journal entry. Forcefully separated from her parents, and deprived of her loving family life, Lisa Trevor is fated with the long, lonely wait of over thirty years, until she will finally discover Jessica’s skeletal corpse. Already a symptom of this four day separation, the paranoia of isolation creeps in, and she neurotically imagines her mother escaping without her. The fact that Lisa mentions an attempted mutual escape, strongly suggests they had already formulated a plan after incarceration, but prior to this day.
“I feel dizzy after that shot they gave me. I don't see Mom. Where did they take her? She promised that we would escape together. Did she escape alone and leave me behind?”
Resident Evil Remake
November 15th 1967
: Trevor's Note #3 /トレヴァーの手記 #3 + Family Picture & Notes
“My family hasn't come back. They should've returned here about this time. Did aunt get worse?
Without any other choice I went to a room deep in the right area of the first floor and started to read books to kill some time.
Some of this mansion's mysterious matters were recorded in the books, but I can't figure it out at all. George Trevor”
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
Unbeknownst to the tragic architect, his daughter is in the clutches of a viral nightmare.
I found Mom. We ate together. I was very happy. But she was a fake. Not my real Mom. Same face but different inside. Have to find Mom. Have to give face back to mother. I got Mom's face back. Nobody can have my Mom except me. I attach her face to me so she doesn't go away. Because Mom sad when I meet her without her face.
Resident Evil Remake
Five days from their initial incarceration, and daughter has murdered mother, in confused, violent frenzy. Notwithstanding Lisa’s likelihood for mistaken identity, this female not being Jessica, she has certainly committed her first kill, with horrific characteristic. This savage, signature assault would come to illustrate Lisa’s increasing mental instability (forceful removal from her mother being the catalyst for that fragile mind-state), and institutionalised isolation, coupled with the devastation caused to her cognitive abilities, at the hands of Spencer’s new virus. From this day onward, and for years to come, Lisa will mournfully carry the hideously detached faces of those she seeks to be her mother, with a devoted determination for their reunion.
Mind catastrophically destroyed beyond repair as Progenitor wreaks havoc upon it, Lisa becomes pitifully enslaved to the delusion of returning her mother’s detached facial flesh to Jessica, erroneously thought to still be clinging to life. Here lies the origin of this psychologically motivated assault, to become Lisa's signature attack. It stems from Lisa’s reaction to grim discovery that her mother’s mind has been lost to Spencer’s research. From the initial elation that she found her beloved mother, to deep devastation upon the discovery of Jessica’s catatonic state.
As a consequence of Lisa’s diminishing intellect, the possibility exists this tragic victim was not Jessica; Lisa’s first kill being a case of mistaken identity. Jessica’s unfamiliarity “But she was a fake... same face but different inside”, a symptom of the havoc wrought by Progenitor, confusing her daughter's mind to the extent that Lisa mistook a female scientist for her mother, rather than intellectual disability suffered by her true mother being the cause of the anomaly that Lisa perceives. Those unfortunate Umbrella staff, charged with the fatally hazardous task of conducting research on this lab rat, would fall victim to Lisa's savage assault, birthed in her fury upon realisation these women were stooges.
Lisa had become delirious from the five days of servitude to Spencer's 'mother' (virus). Just one day after her father’s belated arrival, with George now enjoying the supposed hospitality of their captor, she supposedly finds Jessica, in her underground cell. Two days have passed since mother penned that tragic letter, assuring of their escape, but her physical and mental condition have since plummeted, to the point of near death.
After five days of incarceration, Lisa shows greater resistance to the life threatening properties of Progenitor. To date, the degree with which she has been exposed to Spencer’s virus, is such that Lisa’s intellectual abilities were not sufficiently deteriorated to the point that she would mistake a complete stranger for her own mother. Her senses were sufficiently capable, two days later to allow Lisa the ability to recognise her mother’s scent, within Jessica’s entombed corpse; so presumably the same skill would have been utilised two days previous, during that fateful meal, and daughter’s initial identification of mother was correct. The anonymous female that Lisa eats with is most likely her mother, rather than a female Umbrella scientist acting as a stooge for Jessica.
Tragically Jessica is now almost brain-dead, following the damaging effects of Progenitor on her cognitive system, and Lisa refuses to accept that this catatonic misery as her mother. With violent confusion, she rips Jessica's face from its skull, causing instant death. A bloodied mess, she places the skin of Jessica’s face over her own, intending to give it back to its rightful owner, once she finds the 'real' Jessica, she pitifully presumes to be alive, yet without her own face. This fruitless, mournful search will tragically continue, for the next three decades.
Nov 17th 1967: Trevor's Note #3 /トレヴァーの手記 #3 + Family Picture & Notes
At midnight, I heard people were talking when I passed by Lord Spencer's study room. I went close to the door, just opened a crack, and saw three men in white coats, whispering with Lord Spencer.
“....a large market... high commodity... basic research stage... still simple life... because... many years are inevitable...”
I heard them talking like this. Driven by my curiosity, I carelessly stepped a little forward to the door and pushed it. A small sound piped up and one of those men noticed and walked towards me. That man, a man with red hair; he saw me, and in that moment he looked very shocked. However, he immediately averted his sight elsewhere, as if nothing had ever happened. George Trevor.
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translated by Welsh & News Bot)
This file hints that something is hidden in Spencer's office and introduces the red-haired researcher, as he and other scientists discuss the basic research, development and eventual commercialisation stage of Umbrella's B.O.Ws. The process for Spencer's commercialisation of bio-weapons developed by his newly formed company, was classified into three stages - basic research stage, development stage, and commercialisation stage. Just one week after Spencer’s evil betrayal, Lisa Trevor discovers a crypt, deep below the mansion her father designed, housing her mother’s tomb. Despite her Lisa's inability to remove the coffin's heavy stone lid, she can recognise Jessica’s scent, but actual realisation of her mother’s demise, is clouded by Lisa's further cognitive deterioration.
“from inside box, scent of mommy. maybe true mother there. stone box hard. It hurt. steel rope in the way. can't see mother becuz 4 stones.”
Resident Evil Remake
While Lisa was able to recognize the scent of her biological mother, she was unable to finally reunite with Jessica. Despite continued failure in her mournful search, Lisa Trevor has become terminally obsessed with finding her true mother; so to finally see Jessica, is the only element Lisa craves for this reunion. She will return to this scene, her wish will be granted, but not in the manner she has desperately desired, during all those years of lonely isolation. Shortly after the t-virus outbreak, initiated by James Marcus, in the autumn of 1998, three decades after this first discovery, Lisa will revisit the tomb housing her mother‘s corpse, but destined to failure.
November 18th 1967: George Trevor's Notes + Trevor's Note #3 /トレヴァーの手記 (3)
My wife and daughter are still not back. Is aunt Emma's condition that bad? It's inconvenient that no phone lines have been installed yet. I went to the second floor veranda to take my mind off things, and I spotted a number of crows sitting on the handrail. When they saw me, they all cried out in a quite ominous way. I had a bad feeling about all this. That reminds me. A few days ago, I just couldn't shake the feeling that someone was watching my every step. I also saw something strange in the courtyard... I knew of the artificial waterfall, but behind the water curtain I caught a glimpse of a staircase leading to a basement of some sort. This was not in my original plan for this place.
‘When did they manage to...’, but I couldn't finish that thought before three men in white robes suddenly showed up.
“And who might you be? Please don't loiter around here and annoy us.”, said one of them, as if to scold me, and then they escorted me away from there. The white robes they wore had a slight odour of disinfectant. Who on earth where those people?
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA)
The lighter! I lost my lighter! It's the birthday gift my wife gave to me and one of my most precious belongings. For many years I've never left my lighter away from me... I have a bad feeling... I was sure I still had it when I stopped for a rest at the L-shaped corridor where glass cases were placed. Though it's easy to find another lighter, this one is too special to me and I can't just give it up. I'll go there and try to look for it tomorrow. George Trevor.
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translated by Welsh and News Bot)
George Trevor loses his lighter in the infamous corridor which triggers the iconic Cerberus jumping through the window cut-scene (conceived by Kazuhiro Aoyama). This is interesting because using action replay codes to unlock Jill's game on the 15 min. biohazard demo disc (BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban), Trevor's lighter can still be found underneath the display case!
November 19th 1967 / Family Picture & Notes
daddy atached first. momm atached scond. iNside reD and sLimy. whiTe and haRd. not true moM wheRe. dunno dadd. found mum again. whne atachd mommy. she move no more. she screaming. why?. Jst want to b with her. mom. where?. I mis yuo
Resident Evil Remake
A further two days, from the grim discovery of her mother’s crypt, the short-lived elation felt from a reunion with her parents, would only be limited release, from Lisa’s hellish nightmare. There was no joyous family reunion; Lisa has already killed her mother in confused anguish, so the ‘mother’ she identifies in this journal entry cannot be Jessica.
We know that the ‘dad’ referred to, who also falls victim to her signature assault, cannot be George; we have diary entries in his journal with dates proceeding Nov 19th. These victims, now adding two further trophies to Lisa’s growing grim collection, cannot be her parents. Harrowingly, Lisa attempts to identify the murdered couple by way of an amateur autopsy! Again she is left disappointed and lost, unable to identify her parents scent within the victims intestines. The true identities of these tragic victims, their faces ripped-off alive, and now adorning Lisa’s grotesquely mutating body, worn as an offering for her mother, belong to Spencer’s researchers.
In order to pacify an uncontrollable Lisa, her behaviour increasingly unpredictable, as Progenitor wrought havoc, contorting her body tissue and tormenting her mind, a female and male researcher may have been disguised as her parents, in a futile attempt to control Lisa through appeasement. But if so, this technique became counter-productive to illicit calm behaviour, because Lisa's characteristic attack, perversely represents a deep desire to be reunited with her parents, rather than a violent rejection of Spencer’s stooges.
To resemble George or Jessica Trevor, in the presence of their daughter at this stage, mind now ravished by Progenitor, would be an obvious folly of life threatening proportion! It is far more likely these victims, faces sliced-off, now serving as gory spoils of war that clothe their assailant, belong to Spencer's researchers, murdered as a consequence of Lisa’s cognitive deterioration, as they conduct observations on Lisa, and not due to a purposeful ruse to impersonate parents. To serve in Spencer’s employment is a dangerous profession, and there will be further casualties among a research team assigned to this tragic experiment. They will soon also fall victim to this fate, assisting Lisa with her gory collection!
November 20th 1967: Trevor's Note #4 /トレヴァーの手記 #4 + George Trevor's Notes
I was casually looking over paintings in the large room lined with portraits on the first floor, when suddenly the red-head in a white coat approached me. What could it be? The odour of disinfectant drifted faintly from his body.
“There's something I want to ask you...” he said. “What exactly do you know about your family?”
“My family? Do you know something!?”
The man saw my expression and muttered with authority “You really don't know anything... Such a little child...”
I shook the man, raised my voice, and demanded to know where they were. But at that moment, I heard something squirm behind me.
“Something's here...” The red-haired man wouldn't say another word, no matter how much I asked. George Trevor.
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
George is confronted by the red-haired researcher from the night before, who mentions his family. The line ‘there's something here...’ is referring to the puzzle in the final game, with the crows that occupy the room being released. Yasuyuki Saga confirmed that the red-haired researcher had conflicting feelings on the fate of Trevor's family, almost warning him impulsively before he is interrupted!
My lighter... I still cannot find it. I got it from my wife on my birthday, and it was very precious to me. I'm sure that I left it behind in the room with the hunting rifle, no doubt about it. Did someone pick it up and take it with them? Aren't my wife and daughter coming back soon? The anxiety is killing me here... Spencer just laughed when I expressed my concerns, but I told him that I couldn't bear it and that I would leave to go meet up with them tomorrow.
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA)
November 23rd*1967: Trevor's Note #5 /トレヴァーの手記 #5
Early this morning, servants hurriedly washed the floor toward the first floor. The only room in this mansion where I didn't put anything... I didn't have any doubts initially. Until I passed that room and went on into the next living room... Nothing. There was no sign of the shotgun on the wall!
“What happened to the shotgun that was here?”
“Oh, that one. It was destroyed. You know, stepped on by an elephant. It's still kept its original shape to a degree, unlike the animal. Oh well, I keep a spare that can replace it.” Spencer, who was nearby, answered. I returned to the previous room as quickly as possible. Some sort of black stain on the floor. And red hair. I couldn't stop trembling... That shotgun was moved, surely... George Trevor.
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
*The date November 23rd is inconsistent with proceeding events diarized in 'George Trevor's Notes' (The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD), on Nov 21st, which sees the tragic architect subdued and imprisoned, after attempting to leave late that evening. Notwithstanding this date inconsistency, the factual content of 'Trevor's Note #5', fits particularly well, and if correction is made to this timeline glitch, such content bridges the narrative gap between George Trevor's initial slight reservation, and his decision, many days later, to abruptly depart, perfectly.
George Trevor's paranoia by this stage was palpable, the slight seeds of doubt concerning his family's continuing absence, alluded to on Nov 15th (Trevor's Note #3), were already festering with each observation of concern, and growing separation anxiety; aggravated further, and to an unbearable level, by this suspicious episode in the room with a shotgun.
'Trevor's Note #5' foreshadows that lifting the shotgun from its cradle will cause the suspended ceiling to lower and crush the player, as it does the red-haired researcher who was sent to fetch it. Yasuyuki Saga verified that he was killed for talking to Trevor in the gallery. This insidious discovery 'some sort of black stain on the floor. And red hair', coupled with the growing intensity of separation anxiety from Jessica & Lisa, creates a crescendo of concern, provoking the fraught architect to finally make the decision to retreat. Having now established the importantly high value that 'Trevor's Note #5' brings to the narrative, it is now arguable that a correction to the date is preferable, to omitting it in its entirety. A suggested correction dates the events of 'Trevor's Note #5' on the morning of Nov 21, prior to George Trevor's attempted night-time flight from the dark, as diarized on that day in 'George Trevor's Notes' (The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD). Having seen the likely remains of Spencer's re-haired researcher, the result of his attempted surreptitious offer of compassion, it’s highly likely Trevor now concludes he has no other choice but to leave that evening, Nov 21st...
November 21st 1967: George Trevor's Notes
I packed my things and said farewell to Spencer, who followed me down to the first floor and went into one of the rooms. After he had left, I saw a man in a white robe looking at a painting. It was one of the three men that I had seen in the courtyard. “Life is long, but still so short...”, he said, while looking at the row of paintings which portrayed a man from when he was born to when he died of old age. “Right about now, your family is...”, the man said. Then he smirked and laughed. 'Right about now...'? What was he talking about!? Then I suddenly felt something hot in the back of my head and lost consciousness.
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA)
November 24th 1967: George Trevor's Diary + George Trevor's Notes + Trevor's Diary + Family Picture & Notes
They have transferred me to the basement of the mansion. Now a guard brings me my food and I'm confined to these few rooms. At least, that's what the guard thinks. Every time he's on break, I have been exploring. I found an entrance to a series of catacombs behind the fireplace. Maybe in there I can find a way out.
Resident Evil Genesis
CONFINEMENT: Why did it end up like this? I've been locked in this room for three days now. "Pity for you, but it's a matter of security.", said the man in the white robe, who came to me with a crude meal. I see, so that's what it was. The only two people who know the secrets of this mansion are me and Spencer. If I were to die, then he would be the only one who knew.
So that's why... But for what purpose... no, no point in thinking about it. I must try to escape. Ah, what a disgrace, to get caught in the trap you set up yourself. What I had put all my energy into with this mansion was to design it so that once you had entered, there would be no escape. Spencer most likely would use me to make sure of that now.
Suddenly, I could feel things dropping down on my body from the ceiling. Spiders. A seemingly endless supply of spiders was crawling all over the floor. I unintentionally took a step back and crushed several of them under my foot.
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA)
Eleven days have past since arriving on this estate. How did I end up like this? A guy in a lab coat came with a plate of skimpy meal and said to me, “Sorry to put you through this, but it's for security reasons.” That's when it hit me. It all makes sense now. There are only two people that know the secret of this mansion, Sir Spencer and myself. If they kill me, Sir Spencer will be the only person that knows the secret. But for what purpose? It doesn't matter now. It's too dangerous here. My family... I hope they are all right. I've decided to escape... Jessica, Lisa, I pray you are safe.
Resident Evil Remake
Ignorant to the fate that has befallen his family, the false hope George now clings to desperately, is all he has left. His tragically tortured daughter makes her final diary entry. It's barely legible, Lisa's cognitive ability ravaged by Spencer's ruthless experimentation. The deterioration in both handwriting and language, is now extensive; the invading viral onslaught now into its fourteenth day...
4 mom... where? ... I mis you
Resident Evil Remake
November 26th 1967: George Trevor's Diary + Trevor's Diary + Trevor's Note #6 /トレヴァーの手記 (6) + Trevor's Note #7 /トレヴァーの手記 #7
My god... Words cannot describe the horrors I have seen in those dark passageways. Ghastly, mutated creatures... mindless and aggressive. The strangest part being that each one is tagged like a lab rat. As though they aren't just monsters... they are experiments. I can't bare to think of going back in there, but it's my only hope.
Resident Evil Genesis
Extinguishing any remnants of hope that may still remain, a chill of nakedness cuts through Trevor’s soul, as he desperately grasps himself, like a rabid dog were upon him; frantically searching for a treasured item, that a just few days previous, he had already scolded himself for loosing - this loss of memory, a metaphor for his mind, lost in confusion…
How could I be so careless? I lost my favourite lighter, the one Jessica gave me for my birthday. Now it's going to be that much harder to get out this dark place. November 13, the date when my fate was sealed. My aunt was hospitalized just three days before that. Jessica and Lisa said that they were going to visit her. I wish I could be there with them. But wait, even as I'm writing my memory is coming back to me more vividly. Just before I passed out, I remember the men in the lab coats said something like, ‘Most likely your family is already…’ I pray for their safety.
Resident Evil Remake
I'm trapped. It's already been 3 days. I tried to escape from this mansion the day I saw the scene in the empty room, and left with the utmost confidence that my family should be safe with my aunt. But it was too late. As I left the mansion, I was subdued by a group of men in white coats and severely beaten. Then I lost consciousness for a while.
“It's a pity for you, but it's a matter of security.”
“Those men are evil. Trying to use this mansion's designer of all people... But you'll be useful for data collection in the future.”
What matter of security? For designing this mansion? I lay in an underground room when I noticed it.
A dimly-lit room, and my whole body feels strangely itchy. It almost felt like I was being tickled by human fingers. I lifted myself up.
Drip, drip, then something fell from my body. It was... moving! Spiders! There were hundreds of on my body and wriggling on the floor. Spiders about the size of my palm in this cold room... I stepped back, reflexively trampling on several of them. Just then, all those spiders attacked me. I ran to the door, but it was locked. The spiders came shuffling up to me one after another. I remembered the structure of the door and somehow got out. After that, I roamed around beneath this mansion until today. There were irregularly-shaped insects and many animals. However, their movements were slow and simple and I somehow managed to survive. George Trevor.
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
Trevor has been imprisoned in the area below the courtyard concealing a puzzle to open the room he has encountered, and there is foreshadowing of the baby spiders S.T.A.R.S. members discover, which can be stomped on as a gameplay mechanic.
Jessica, Lisa.. Why! Why! I don't want to die in a dismal place like this... Was it my fault that I designed this mansion at his special order?
Or is this God's punishment for trying to escape, not knowing if I had left them behind. It makes no difference. This is extraordinary.
The smell of disinfectant fills the basement and it seems a new machine was brought in... What the hell is the secret? Is this place actually still used as a recreation facility?! George Trevor.
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot
There is a curious line in this file, of particular significance to George Trevor's potential fate - 'The smell of disinfectant fills the basement and it seems a new machine was brought in... What the hell is the secret?'.
By taking into consideration the state of emaciation we find the architect in, and that his path ahead has been sealed, upon reading the final two 'BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban' files ('Trevor's Note #8 and 'Last Note'), coupled with information found in Japanese official guide book 'Biohazard The Umbrella Chronicles Art Of Arts', the fatal purpose of this 'new machine' can be made clearer. Perhaps this was Spencer, always one step ahead of his architect, taking a decisive step to tie up that loose end...
'From Trevor's Notes, written and left behind by George, we learn that he once tried to escape from the mansion. However, his path ahead was blocked by a device Spencer had newly installed and was finally given a Progenitor Virus mutant like his wife and subjected to disposal after the experiment's failure.': Biohazard The Umbrella Chronicles Art of Arts (Translated by Project Umbrella)
November 27th 1967: George Trevor's Diary + Trevor's Diary + George Trevor's Notes
Some mild success. In the caverns I encountered a man in a lab coat and attacked him. I cracked his head with a rock and stole a key-card of some kind. I still don't know what it's used for. To think, me attacking an innocent man. What have I become?
Resident Evil Genesis
Somehow I managed to get out that room. But getting out of this mansion won't be as easy. I have to get past all the booby–traps. Tiger Eyes, Gold Emblem... I have to try and remember for my own sake.
Resident Evil Remake
I have somehow succeeded to escape from that room. But believe me, it is not easy to get out of this mansion, I have to keep track of every trap and mechanism, or else. The one-eyed tiger... The golden emblem... I need to concentrate and try to remember what it was all about.
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA)
November 28th 1967: George Trevor's Notes
What the hell is going on here!? I saw one room where some sort of gigantic plant had stretched all over the room. I've never seen such a plant before!
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA)
Trevor concludes this horticultural atrocity to be the fruits of Spencer‘s genetic engineering. His anxiety grows with every dire discovery. However, none are quite as contentious as this, appearing as it does, to resemble the later, t-virus generated, Plant-42. The inconsistency being that it will be another decade before Spencer’s other partner in criminal virology, Dr. James Marcus, develops the catalyst for Plant-42, the t-virus.
Consequently, the shocking sight, that now befalls George Trevor, cannot be Plant 42; created not within the early days of t-virus discovery, but a further decade on, due to t-virus exposure during the mansion outbreak. Exploring deeper within the mansion’s entombed laboratories, George Trevor stumbles upon the secret location where Spencer has been cultivating his game-changing export from Africa, the legendary and highly toxic plant of the Ndipaya tribe - the ‘stairway to the sunflower. Procured by head researcher Brandon Bailey, and brought back from its closely guarded, secretive location in Africa, to Spencer’s equally secretive location, in the Arklay forest, nine months prior to George’s arrival here.
Spencer had attempted to cultivate the mysterious flower, in order to mass-produce the Progenitor virus, from which this toxic plant provided a unique source. Spencer, and his research team were initially unsuccessful in procuring an effective virus from the clones harvested from the exported mother plant, and therefore sought to alter the plants horticultural environment to better suit its botanical needs, resulting in successfully cloned stairway to the sun flowers, producing progenitor virus with effective DNA restructuring.
Nine months on from the first exports of their insidious flower, and it grows ferociously, within the confines of the Spencer mansion. It is this horticultural abomination that Trevor has unwittingly stumbled upon, and not the cannon breaking Plant-42. To date (Nov 28) Spencer & Bailey were still fruitlessly attempting to mass produce effective progenitor virus, and there is no doubt that their program for this virology would be based at the Arklay mansion.
November 29th 1967: Trevor's Diary + George Trevor's Diary
I can't get out. I have tried every possible way to escape but only to be faced with the reality that I'm trapped. I've been everywhere. The laboratory with the large glass tubes filled with formaldehyde and those dark, wet and eerie caves... What can I do? At first, I didn't want to believe my eyes. But that familiar high-heeled shoe in the corridor... It was like reflex. One name came to my mind, Jessica! I don't want to believe they share the same fate as me. No! I can't give up hope. I have to hope they're alive.
Resident Evil Remake
I think that they have caught wind of my little adventures in these caves and installed an extra security feature on the fireplace. There is now a small keypad where you can enter a password. Fortunately, I overheard how to program the unit. As a pass-code I entered our anniversary MMDDYY. Time to resume exploring.
Resident Evil Genesis
November 30th 1967: Trevor's Diary + George Trevor's Diary
I haven't had anything to eat or drink for the past few days. I feel like I'm going crazy. Why is this happening to me? Why do I have to die like this? I was too obsessed with designing this ghastly mansion. I should have known better.
Resident Evil Remake
Lost, and alone in the dark, George Trevor now seriously contemplates the undeniable, horrendous realisation, that he is doomed to the fate Spencer has dictated for him. The futility of his attempted escapes, highlighted by the cool indifference with which Spencer’s men respond. However, we see a more optimistic, determined outlook with the following diary entry...
Yesterday they added more security to the fireplace. You now need some object to enable the keypad. I'm trapped. Why have I been so careless? Today a man in a lab coat approached me and said that tomorrow I would visit the doctor. Something tells me they have something else in mind. I won't become one of their experiments.
Resident Evil Genesis
November 31st 1967: George Trevor's Diary + Trevor's Diary
“Here's where everything ends... Forgive me, Jessica, I didn't want it to come to this. I'll die before I let them turn me into one of those...things. With my last breath... I will pray that you and Lisa are safe”
Resident Evil Genesis
“It was a dark and damp underground tunnel. And another dead end. But even in the darkness, something caught my eye.
Carefully, I lit the last match, I had to see what it was. A grave! But deeply engraved into the stone was my name! 'George Trevor'.
At that instant, it all became clear... Those bastards knew from the beginning that I'd die here, and I fell right into their trap.
But it's too late now. I'm losing it. Everything is becoming so far away. Jessica... Lisa... Forgive me. Because of my ego, I got both of you involved in this whole damn conspiracy.
Forgive me. May god justify my death in exchange for your safety. George Trevor”
Resident Evil Remake
December 5th 1967: George Trevor's Notes + Trevor's Note #8 /トレヴァーの手記 (8)
DESPAIR: I'm so thirsty. I've gone without food or drink for several days now... My mind...nothing makes sense anymore. Why? Why do I have to die like this... ? Am I the one to blame for the wickedness of the man who had me design this mansion?
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA)
And now, I unexpectedly set foot into the narrow and dark room. With each step I took, the danger intensified. I walked around slowly and carefully. Then, in the center of the room, I bumped into something hard. What was it?
I lit the flame on the lighter, and there, looming up slightly, was a letter. It was... What! Son of a bitch! That man thought of every possible angle!
But it's ironic. I'm still alive. Unless the expected thing occurs today. But it's the same thing. I can't see the sunlight rising anymore. It has literally become where I will die… No, it's not. I must live. I made it through up until now. I'm still alive... I will survive. George Trevor
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass. Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
December 7th 1967: George Trevor's Notes
It's so dark... I'm stuck in a damp and humid underground tunnel. Is this also a dead end? No... there's something here. Shivering, I lit the final match I had with me. A tombstone... Ahh, how did it end up like this. And there's a name on it, 'George Trevor'. That's me isn't it?
He had calculated from the very beginning that I would end up here, and prepared a tombstone for me... I'd been going in a perfect circle around this place... It's no use anymore... I can feel my senses slipping away... Jessica... Lisa... please forgive me. It won't be long now. Soon I shall be headed to the paradise where you are. George Trevor
The True Story Behind BIO HAZARD (Translation by THIA)
Like a laboratory rat in a caged maze, George Trevor, stumbles full circle, back into the dead-end housing Spencer's cruellest or ironies, a pre-prepared grave, for the very architect who designed a path right to its headstone! ‘Trevor’s Note #8’ contains a gameplay hint that the player can escape from this iconic ‘burial site’ via a secret passage. With this in mind, it's arguable the lighter item originally had a purpose; perhaps the player had to use it to locate a switch that removes the tombstone, revealing a hidden path below?
Originally, in the beta scenario, the player was supposed to find the following message inscribed on the gravestone:
‘Trevor, my dear friend, and architect of this mansion, fell victim to his own creation, and rests here forever.’
LAST NOTE / 最後の手記
I failed. How could he, Spencer, know about it? A behemoth it approaches, and to come… Though it should be a secret device which only I know… On the contrary, myself and… My consciousness is fading. I forgot. Not just one... but another very similar tool is needed. Ah, a bit longer, just a bit longer and I could have reached the fountain with 2 names...
BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Extracted by Mark Grass Translation by Welsh & News Bot)
Trevor's final diary entry found on the 15-minute demo disc BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban, is in the spirit of providing players with a past narrative through the mansion, the footsteps of a previous victim, so as to guide a successful route. To that end, the file hints at a means of escape! As the title suggests, this is the last note that George Trevor left behind. He apparently found the switch to move the gravestone, but it is unclear how many days have passed since his imprisonment. He has now made his way below the courtyard, and into the underground caves. The 'similar tool' is the crank item, used to rotate the cave walls. However, neglecting to remember there were two cranks required, Trevor only found the one, and now a possible (but not certain) fate may have seen the tragic architect crushed by a rolling boulder, as he attempted to retrieve the necessary medals for accessing the fountain. The note also hints that the way out lies within the fountain which serves as the secret passage to the laboratory, and in turn the heliport.
Nothing's changed. I never thought that this room I designed as an experiment would pay off like this. I can hide here safely for a while, because nobody knows about the secret behind this painting. Not even Sir Spencer. Painting of a mansion... In the back of the art room.
Resident Evil Remake
George Trevor's Legacy
Other than Sega Saturn books and a series of leftover files, George Trevor has also surprisingly appeared elsewhere. A few years ago, after being gifted some original Japanese strategy guides, I discovered he's mentioned in those, as well as subsequent guide books, mostly in the keyword sections. Later in the Resident Evil Archives books. There's also the mention in Resident Evil Revelations and more recently in Resident Evil 7!
But why go through the elaborate effort to keep a deleted character in the series? And rewrite a series of notes for a limited edition book based on scrapped files from a game? And why rewrite those notes to be clearly inferior and lacking in details as compared to the originals? Did Capcom get cold feet, worried that these files revealed too many secrets about the Spencer mansion!?
Hideki Kamiya, in response to our tweeted inquiry, that Lisa Trevor, George Trevor's fourteen-year-old daughter, who was to later be included in the Gamecube version as a monster, wasn't devised as an enemy from the outset. That came later, with the GameCube remake, specifically, as a way for the planners of Production Studio 4 to create a deeper world view by having her be host to the G-virus. Recently, it was revealed by Resident Evil 3 director Kazuhiro Aoyama, in interview with Crimson-Head.com that G stands for ‘Golotha’, the site where Jesus Christ was crucified. This ties in nicely to her death being confirmed over three days, then being resurrected like Jesus.
Further clues came to light when a prototype of Biohazard with functional debug menu was released to the community. The Assembler website posted links to download it. The debug menu allowed players to investigate additional hidden features, and when a certain flag was activated, a file would appear on the table of the terrace where you discover Forests' body. Arguably, the terrace was to be one location of Trevor's Notes. Searching through video game magazine scans from the time of Resident Evil's development, it was shown in screenshots (see image below), that other files were supposed to appear - next to Kenneth's body, in the living room past the room with the suspended ceiling, in the bar, and on a shelf in the attic; and if the GameCube version is any indication, another was to been found next to Trevor's grave.
Unfortunately the notes were scrapped by January 1995, completely from the prototype and retail game, along with any textures that hint to their location, except for the one that tantalisingly remained on the terrace. Curiously, the file images for Trevor's notes appear in the Director's Cut version, but not the original game.
Further utalising the debug prototype, in true 'George Trevor' fashion, we stumbled upon something surprising and unusual! After noticing differences in the text, and then dumping every version, it was discovered the piano room on the second floor contained a cryptic message from Trevor's grave stone. A translation of the Japanese text reads:
‘Trevor, my dear friend, and architect of this mansion, fell victim to his own creation, and rests here forever. December 5, 1967 Oswell E. Spencer’
We contacted Capcom's Kenichi Iwao, who wrote the Biohazard/Resident Evil scenario. Iwao-san was responsible for creating the bulk of the narrative and character designs, including S.T.A.R.S. (originally SWAT), Umbrella (originally military), B.O.W. (originally B.H.W. for Bio-Hazard Weapon), but notably not for the 'Trevor's Notes'. Iwao-san explained that while he wrote most of Resident Evil's files, another planner named Yasuyuki Saga wrote the rest, specifically Trevor's Notes. He also confirmed they were removed because their quality was substandard and affected the world view that he had established with files like the ‘Keeper’s Diary’.
Community member Welsh's passionate dedication (and persistence!) lead him to track down Saga-san, to seek his assistance uncovering further secrets of the Trevor mystery. Saga initially refused having quit Capcom seventeen years ago, but soon relented upon a recommendation from a Capcom colleague and mutual contact, Kazuhiro Aoyama (Biohazard 3 Director).
On a side note, Aoyama-san mentioned that before Trevor's story was devised, the grave in the mansion belonged instead to a researcher. If you look closely at the extracted texture for the headstone, the engraving reads: ‘FULL METAL PRISON 1993-1994’, possibly a leftover from the beta military scenario, prior to the Umbrella narrative.
Parallels between the two, hint at inspiration for the Trevor family and their tragic backstory, being taken from the narrative of Japanese supernatural horror film and Famicom (NES) video game ‘Sweet Home’, forerunner in the development of the survival horror genre. George Trevor clearly has much in common with Ichiro Mamiya, the genius painter who built the mansion in Sweet Home, for which Resident Evil borrows heavily from. In Sweet Home the player discovers the letters, notes, and diary of Ichiro who lost his wife and child in a tragic accident 30-years earlier. Sound familiar?
Ichiro suffered a terrible tragedy when his only child fell into an incinerator, with his wife Lady Mamiyato throwing herself into the flames to save the child. The baby died and Mamiyato was badly burned. Consumed by grief, she began abducting children from a nearby village, throwing them into the furnace that had taken her child, so he could have playmates! She was eventually confronted by a mob of angry parents, leading to her suicide. Curiously, her ghost in both film & game share a likeness with Alex Wesker, from Resident Evil Revelations 2.
However, in an exclusive interview with Crimson-Head.com Saga-san revealed the major inspiration for the Trevors' was not Sweet Home, but 19th Century European books he was reading during that time, and a manga 'Poe no Ichizoku', that chronicles a family of vampires.
Saga-san further revealed that George Trevor worked in New York City on architectural construction & design, and Aunt Emma was very close to both Jessica & Lisa, which George knew well. He also confirmed Aunt Emma wasn't really sick, and that Jessica's letter to George was a forgery!
The most interesting piece of information came to light while discussing Trevor’s public disappearance. Saga-san stated their deaths were faked in a yachting accident and the newspaper headline would have read: ‘FAMOUS ARCHITECT TREVOR AND HIS FAMILY DISAPPEAR IN ATLANTIC OCEAN - An investigation was conducted for several days, but no clue clues were found and the search was called off.’
Trevor's notes must have been rewritten for the Sega Saturn companion release 'The True Story Behind Bio Hazard' by someone other than Saga-san because the puzzle elements didn't flow seamlessly into the retail game, as several changes were made after the files had been cut. This decision makes sense, but I wish the planners for the GameCube version had gone back to the original files, and restored more of the backstory that doesn't appear in the Sega Saturn book, instead of just copying and pasting them.
“バイオ1 でも、仕掛けだらけの洋館に説得力をもたせるために、そうした洋館が作られた経緯を説明したファイルも用意してあったんだよね…ただ情報過多になってゲームの謎解きとの混乱を招くから、そうした裏設定的なファイルは開発途中でカットされることになった…”
“In Biohazard 1 in order to provide assistance into a mansion that was full of tricks, I created files that explained the background of the mansion. Because of developing complications, the series of files were cut .”: Yasuyuki Saga interview with Crimson-Head.com
From the quotes of both men, (Shinji Mikami's can be read in an early paragraph above), these wonderful game-files, detailing a narrative that would have lent considerable historic depth and atmosphere to the Spencer mansion, were lamentably removed for more than one reason. First, the story unfolds differently depending on which character you select, therefore it would have been particularly difficult to properly implement the files into each game, since some events are exclusive to each character. Furthermore, Mikami-san wasn't confident in Yasuyuki Saga’s ability to write the files adequately. As a result, the number of files decreased from 26 to 18, and the file 3 folders was removed completely.
George Trevor the 5th Survivor?
The Trevor family tragedy, the deaths of two loving parents, and their beloved daughter. Murdered at the hands of the tyrannical Spencer E. Oswell, through his pursuit of insidious viral, biological invention. The evidence of Lisa Trevor's demise will literally stare us in the face, and possibly rip it off! Her final release from Umbrella's servitude undeniably, unequivocally finalised upon the mansions explosive destruction, as she lay incapacitated, under the fallen chandelier (Resident Evil The Umbrella Chronicles).
The demise of a treasured wife, Jessica, is evidenced by Lisa's discovery of her mother's skeletal remains, and consequent body identification, corroborated in harrowing detail by her wailing, mournful scream “mutherrr...”. Their fate, and questionably that of their tragic father, is most clearly, poignantly detailed in the following file:
Nov. 10, 1967 – Progenitor Virus administered. Jessica : Administered virus. Type–A. Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation. Virus fusion: Negative. Action: Disposed
Lisa. Administered virus: Type–B. Plasmolyzing of tissue during cell activation. Virus fusion: Positive but delayed fusion. Body modification: Observed constant results. Status: Continue protective observation.
George. action: Terminated (Nov. 30, 1967)
Resident Evil Remake: Family Picture & Notes
Is there any significance to be found in the differing terminology employed by Umbrella in defining the relative fates of husband and wife ? Jessica’s body is ‘disposed’ of, whilst George is afflicted with the term ‘terminated’, as his corresponding action. This may allude merely to differing times, and methods of death; Jessica executed, or more likely left to starve in her cell, whilst Trevor placed like a pawn, at Spencer’s command, to be tortured to death, by an inescapable labyrinth, within the mansion of his own design. However, I suggest, there is a more contentious question at the heart of this query.
Did George Trevor survive the mansion incident? Some would say no, notwithstanding the lack of a discovered corpse by S.T.A.R.S. members, particularly surrounding the area of George's prematurely prepared grave. Had his demise occurred at this fateful location, with Umbrella staff collecting the body, then surely the action would be defined as disposed, rather than terminated. The argument that this term would not have yet been relevant, as George was still at Spencer's whim, wandering the mansion, {as a pose to Jessica's immediate disposal}, is relevant, but weakened by the lack of a follow up to this note, updating the defined action on Umbrella's retrieval of George's body.
With no evidence of his remains, the possibility of George Trevor‘s continued survival, post gravestone discovery, is much dependent on the weight of evidence lent to Resident Evil Genesis. If this mobile game can be considered canon, then the significance of the grim discovery of skeletal remains, alluded to as being the remains of George Trevor, must be determined, and identified. During Genesis, the clearest evidence that the skeleton found by Jill in the mansion’s basement belongs to George, is the fact that it lay decomposed in the corner of a cell, identified as his, corroborated with the discovery of his diary in that same location. That other prisoners were kept here, and hold identity to those remains is a strong possibility; the diary likely dropped, long ago, by a hastily escaping Trevor.
The last entry in the Genesis version of Trevor’s diary suggests a final release for George, a more dignified end, at his own hand:
Here's where everything ends. Forgive me Jessica, I didn't want it to come to this. I'll die before I let them turn me into one of those...things. With my last breathe, I will pray that you and Lisa are safe. Farewell.….George Trevor.
Nov 31, 1967. Resident Evil Genesis
There is a similar tone in the Remake version of Trevor‘s diary. At first glance, as with the Genesis journal, the 31st November entry in is an ominous day, George alluding to pitiful failure, with an another horrific discovery:
It was a dark & damp underground tunnel. And another dead end. But even in the darkness something caught my eye. Carefully, I lit the last match, I had to see what it was. A grave! But deeply engraved into the stone was my name! ‘George Trevor‘. At that instant, it all became clear to me. Those bastards knew from the beginning that I'd die here & I fell right into their trap. But it's too late now. I'm losing it. Everything is becoming so far away. Jessica... Lisa... Forgive me. Because of my ego, I got both of you involved in this whole damn conspiracy. Forgive me. May god justify my death in exchange for your safety. George Trevor
Nov. 31, 1967. Resident Evil Remake
I do not believe that with these last, fateful dated entries, George purposefully sealed himself into his cell, leaving starvation as his only escape, or perished besides his pre-prepared grave. There were neither the means in his cell, nor the energies within him to do this. No, I propose, that this was a purposeful ruse, to lead his pursuers into believing that he had given up all hope; allow his diary to be found with this red hearing diarised within it, thus throwing Umbrella off his scent. He may have even planted a body in this cell, {later to be found as skeletal remains ~ Resident Evil Genesis}, an unidentifiable corpse, not hard to find in the Spencer mansion, that autumn of 1967. Trevor evaded the incarceration here, and he strove onward, eluding capture.
Furthermore, one need not just rely on our imaginations to flesh out the details of George’s continued sanctuary. The success of George’s survival during this later period may also be documented. This precious time may have been documented for an additional seven days, if we hold the dates in George Trevor’s Notes, as compiled in The True Story Behind Biohazard, canon.
The journal continues, from the last dated diary entry within Resident Evil Genesis, of the 31st November, and onward, to the 7th December, with a weeks worth of additional composition. However, the source only, merely puts forward the date of George Trevor’s inevitable discovery of his pre-named gravestone, being as it is, an effective replica of the concluding Remake entry of November 31st. It does not suggest a differing path, as we are lead to the same tragic end; George Trevor’s prepared burial site. But that does not condemn the actual existence of further sanctuary, because the source for those arguably contentious days, may exist elsewhere, even if undated.
George Trevor’s continued survival, that he did not perish in his cell, or at his headstone could be alluded to by an undated letter. Whether languishing within a cell {Genesis diary}, or standing fatefully over his gravestone {Remake diary & George Trevor's Notes}, Trevor continued to fight for his family’s survival, potentially evidenced by an un-dated, poignant discovery at the mock headstone. This undated letter identifies a secret sanctuary, following the days of those last diarised entries:
There's something handwritten. It's not dated
“Nothing's changed. I never thought that this room I designed as an experiment would pay off like this. I can hide here safely for a while, because nobody knows about the secret behind this painting. Not even Sir Spencer. Painting of a mansion… In the back of the art room.”
Resident Evil Remake
So Spencer was not the all seeing lord of his manor. A mere designer, an artisan from New York, had knowledge that not even the puppet master Spencer possessed. In the back of the art room, hidden within the mansion that he solely designed, George Trevor enjoyed further sanctuary…
Having already thrown the pursuers off his path, by purposefully dropping a contrived diary, alerting Spencer’s men to a rouse contained therein, falsehoods detailing he was resigned to dignified death, sealed by his own hand, within his cell, he heads for the art room. Now George lays incognito, off-radar, within this unique hiding place, that he alone knew of. His continued absence leading Spencer’s men to the false belief that he had already perished, and from this position he survived another day.
When contemplating the possibility of days following onward from that position, one must ultimately have consideration for the last dated journal/letter entry; the very last date diarised for George’s survival? As we have seen, his last letter, dated Dec 7th, in The True Story Behind Biohazard, is effectively a copy of the Resident Evil Remake diary entry of Nov 31st; upon which day George Trevor discovered his gruesome headstone. However, irrespective of the date of that terrible discovery, our architect may have continued his bitter search, to an end that only he knows of. This argument solely relies on the fact that this undated note was written after George’s last known dated composition, and there is no date to suggest that his art room secret, harbouring retreat, came prior to the headstone discovery. If one accepts this note as the very last composition in existence authored by Trevor, then any fate that followed this potentially life saving sanctuary, is to this day still unknown...
SOURCES: Resident Evil Remake (Trevor's Diary & Undated Note), Resident Evil Genesis (George Trevor's Diary), The True Story Behind Biohazard (George Trevor's Notes), Resident Evil : The Umbrella Chronicles (Jessica's letter & Lisa's Journal), BIO HAZARD Taiken Ban バイオハザード 体験版 (Trevor's Notes), Biohazard The Umbrella Chronicles Art Of Arts
Special Thanks: MEGAN Grass, Welsh, News Bot, BSAArklay